MUA - Makeup Ireland


I am officially published! My article about skincare for brides was posted on Thursday on Beaut.ie.

Needless to say, I am thrilled. Writing is something I have wanted to do for years. My job at MAC and doing makeup keeps me so busy that I just haven’t found the time pursue a career in it.

I’ve been working on the same makeup counter for nearly 6 years. I’m like part of the furniture there and everything comes to me like second nature. So on my first day, I felt like such a novice again.

Last Tuesday morning I got the train into town like I used to in my college days. The Beaut HQ are very handily situated on the quays in Dublin. An awesome location in the city…I could get used to this.

We started off the day with an editorial meeting and some brainstorming-mainly to generate some ideas and give me somewhere to start. Then, deputy editor Miriam showed me the ropes on the site itself. She is a complete whiz at it and pops out up to 25 articles a day!

She had to teach me everything, there’s a lot more going on in the background than I had realised, its not just a matter of writing something and popping it on the internet. There are lots of boxes that every article needs to tick to make sure it reads well.

I very slowly made my way through two articles,  yes two! It seems pathetic compared to how many the others churn out each day but I will get faster with time. I need to get used to the software and get more comfortable with my writing style and it should come to me easier…I hope!

My Mum was always saying to me I should write every day, even just a few lines so I have been doing that. But even still, it’s all new to me and my writing style is only developing.

You can read my first article here!

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